Loving “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation”

The Griswolds

Tonight I am going to watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.  It’s part of my personal DVD collection, sandwiched between kung fu, Goonies and Elf…..all classics, I agree!  We all watch movies to escape our immediate reality for a few hours, but I watch movies to transport back in time to me, as a kid, while I was watching the movie.  I like to feel like 7-year-old me again-clueless, hopeful, excited, full of fantasy, watching the typical 1980’s everybody wins movie, and believing that Santa was on his way to my house!

I am part of the population that you hate…I welcome Perry Como and Frank Sinatra’s holiday hits in November. Christmas ties 1st place with fuzzy things on my list of “Things that bring me immediate ecstasy”.  Lights, trees, caroling, cookies, gingerbread houses, personalized stockings hanging from the window (which I have done again this year).  I love it all.  You should see my tree!  I made decorations out of fall leaves that I collected, cleaned, waxed and strategically placed to glow in front the tree lights.  Yes, I am unemployed, but what a sustainable, free, time-consuming crafty idea that was!

This photo is horrible, but trust me, it's beautiful!

I am spending christmas alone with my boyfriend this year and will probably watch this movie and Elf almost daily, starting tonight.  He’s a very understanding man.  I will make cookies….alone….a gingerbread house….alone.  And although it seems pathetic as you read and I write this now, trust that I will feel amazing for the next 1 hr and 37 minutes!

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